It’s gonna be hot

Gather the fans, set the air-conditioner on cool, close up the house…prepare a stock tank just for stepping into and cooling off.

NOAA just indicated that the Heat Index for the next three days will be 101 degrees in the afternoon. Oh.

I may pick up another tall fan to put on the porch. I have company coming this weekend and they want to ride mules with me. The heat and humidity will be brutal, however, they are early risers so I told them we’d be saddling up at 6am. Our weekend may be spent sitting in the creek or the stock tank I will move into the yard and fill up today.

Our evenings will be spent watching fireflies, drinking beer and hanging out on the porch.

My friends often bring comic relief to my otherwise sometimes boring farm life. I look forward to their monthly visits. I bought a game called bean bag… something or another…the idea is like horse shoes I guess. Why not? We can drink beer, watch fireflies, dip in the stock tank and send the kids and dogs running about the yard with glow sticks attached to them and do long exposure photography.

As always, my friends also bring laughter and light to our place during their visits. They always include my husband in everything and fully understand his limits. I must say that sometimes these folks behave better than family members would.

Even their children include my husband in most everything they can. The teen gal will sit with him during his morning coffee just to be there and be company to him.

You don’t find that kind of caring and compassion in most ‘kids’ these days.

Yup. It is going to be hot. Horrid hot. The kind of heat and humidity that will wilt us. However, we will still have fun.

2 thoughts on “It’s gonna be hot

  1. I just told the son in law to shut up the house and start the air now. It’s gonna be nuts. I’ll be at Ken’s. He has central air. May see about inviting the kids over for a movie…..


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