Drum Roll Please…

Short and sweet. Yesterday they decided to do a stress test. We found cardiology and they whisked him away. Most of these tests are over quickly. I waited 45 minutes. A nurse brought him back. He looked fine. She said he did not fail but had a ‘very’ abnormal test and that was all she… Continue reading Drum Roll Please…


Interesting to note. Rich had throat cancer at stage IV. His survival rate after ‘cure’ was 4 to 5 years. We left Dr. Witek’s office after our last follow up with him feeling that we’d beat that cancer, at least for now. Neither of us though about the survival rate really. Who wants to think… Continue reading Survival

What next?

I knew we were supposed to see Neuro-surgery. I mean, I knew it in my head so I pointed my husband towards the Neurology suite at the VA. Whoops. Neuro science, Neurology, and Neuro-surgery are all different areas of medicine. We finally got to the right clinic and I mentioned that I thought we were… Continue reading What next?